All You Should Know About ADHD and Relationship Counselling

An Introduction to ADHD

The term ADHD stands for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. It is one of the most common neurodevelopmental disorders found in children. Children suffering from this disorder have certain differences in brain development and activity which in turn affects their ability to focus and self-control.

Symptoms of ADHD

Every kid is restless and has a small attention span. However, children with ADHD have to face a lot of struggles while concentrating or following instructions. Therefore before you get the Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Assessment done, watch out for the following symptoms:

  • Easily Distracted: Children suffering from ADHD may miss out on important details while listening,  may leave the task halfway, and daydream a lot.

  • Hyperactive: This is another common symptom. Kids with ADHD easily get bored,  rush into one task after the other and run here and there in the entire house.

  • Impulsive: Kids suffering from this disorder show intense emotional reactions. They find it difficult to wait and often pick up things without asking and engage themselves in risky ways.

If you notice your child struggling a lot with resisting temptation, getting along with others or any of the above symptoms, you should consult your doctor immediately.

Causes of ADHD

There are many myths related to the causes of ADHD. People believe that it is caused due to excess screen time, excessive consumption of sugar or poor parenting, however, none of this is true.

Research shows that genetics play an important role in causing ADHD. Children who have a parent or relative suffering from the same disorder are at more risk of getting affected. Studies are still going on to find other possible factors like low birth weight, premature delivery, brain injury, exposure to risky environments etc.


Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Assessment cannot be done by a single test. The diagnosis of this disorder is done in multiple steps. The doctor starts with a medical examination and a hearing & vision test. He then goes into a detailed history collection from parents and teachers about the health and behaviour of the child.

Treatment of  ADHD

The treatment for ADHD includes a combination of medicines and behavioural therapy. Along with these training for parents and support from the school play an important role in managing the symptoms of this disorder. Every child is different, so different combinations are tried for every child.

Relationship Counselling

This type of Counselling is for couples, families, friends, and family members. Every person faces challenges in their relationships, some of them are simple and others are of a serious nature. To resolve these conflicts and improve the quality of relationships; people go to a psychologist or therapist; who is an expert in this field.

People usually relate this type of counselling for couples, however, it is suitable for handling different relationships such as friendships, work relationships, and family relationships etc.

Any two people who are facing issues in their relationships that if left unattended for a long time can lead to crisis and breaking of the bond,  decide to go therapist for counselling, to resolve the conflicts and improve their relationships.

Benefits of Relationship Counselling

Here are the top benefits of this type of relationship counselling:

  • Better Communication: Counselling enables the two partners to break the ice and have open & honest communication while discussing conflicts & problematic issues. Both parties are better able to express their mind, thoughts and feelings with the help of a counsellor which in turn helps them to understand each other.

  • Improves Self-Esteem: The counsellor also enables the people involved to understand themselves better so that they are able to know their roles and responsibilities in a relationship. Once a person knows himself, they are able to see themselves more clearly which raises their self-esteem.

  • Strengths Bond: Counselling enables the two parties to resolve difficult issues in a safe environment and understand each other better thus strengthening their bond.

Wrapping Up

Counselling is an amazing tool that can help you deal with a lot of mental health issues you or your loved ones might be facing in their daily lives. Toronto Psychological Services have an expert team of psychologist and therapists who can help you with different mental health problems.

Remember your mind is as important as any other part of your body. Take good care of it to live a healthy and happy life.


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