The Importance Of Self-Knowledge In Living A Harmonious Life

Is there a “God”? That could be a fiction, it could be something esoteric beyond the human mind’s comprehension or it might be simply an ideology coming out of mind’s imaginative skills. Well, God is not the point of discussion here. The crux of the matter is the human mind. The human mind is capable of creating fiction, chaos, and peace too. There is nothing beyond the human mind.

Unfortunately, you, your gods and your personality are only manifestations of your mind, essentially, the psyche. Now, that is an unpleasant discovery, right? If you do not agree with this fact, then take a psychological assessment and you’re bound to discover that you are a bundle of memory. Every action that you take is a conditioned response. What is conditioned response? Well, that brings up the “psychological knowledge” into the debate.

Psychological knowledge:

The so-called “self” that everyone brags about is nothing other than a collection of memories. Apparently, you are conditioned by your Socio-cultural ideas, by the movies you have watched, the books you have read, by your social-economic environment, your fears, prejudices, and dogmas that you have either learned or taught or experienced. 

Essentially, your experience builds that self. That means, your psychological knowledge is nothing but knowledge of the past experience constantly trying to modify itself. 

Would not you like to understand your behavior, your feelings, and emotions? Since all your actions are conditioned, you need to discover the source of your actions and that is where psychologists come into the scene. Now, there are various schools of thoughts. 

Some prefer Jungian and some overly apply Freudian psychology, but then, you need to go beyond all the school of thoughts and look objectively at your consciousness. It is possible only when a trained psychologist guides you and offers you insight into your consciousness, psyche, and mind.
The mind is responsible for your success, love, for the hatred, the violence, and the depression. Sadly, we humans fundamentally remain as the prisoners of the past. Only through the help of a psychologist, you can have proper self-knowledge and break free from the clutches of turbulent memory. 

The importance of psychological assessment:

The employers put the candidates through the psychological test and the schools also make the pupils go through the psychological assessment before they could enroll them in particular discipline. If you think that your kids have a special ability then you must make them go through school assessment to understand them better and provide the right kind of education. Only a professional psychologist with experience can let you know about your kids.

There is nothing exists beyond human mind as far as the human world is concerned. The greatest inventions like the Airplane or the latest medical equipment that can save human lives are the creation of the mind. Hang on! The atomic bombs are also the creation of human mind. 

The long story short; the human mind is capable of both creation and destruction. Would not you like to know about your mind and your consciousness? Find the psychotherapist today and learn about yourself.


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