The Early Signs of Autism in Children

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a developmental disorder that affects a person’s ability to learn, speak, and even behave. An autism assessmentis a common method used by professionals to determine whether or not a person has autism.

As far as autism in children is concerned, most pediatricians check for this condition quite early in the child’s life. “And quite rightly so!” If your child has autism, then the earlier it’s diagnosed, the better.

For parents, it’s utterly crucial to identify if their child is suffering from this condition as soon as possible. It allows them to get the medical support they need so that their child can learn and grow as well.

Just like any other common disorder like anxiety disorder, autism also has many signs and symptoms that one must look out for. Since parents are the closest to young children, it is their job to spot these signs at the earliest. If you have recently been blessed with a baby, you have to keep an eye out for these symptoms.

Let us guide you through these early signs of autism in children so that you can be a vigilant parent.

Signs of Autism in Young Children

Listed here are some of the most common signs of autism in toddlers.

Your toddler isn’t making eye contact at all. When you are feeding the baby or laughing and smiling at them, check if they are making eye contact. A child with autism doesn’t make eye contact.

When a toddler doesn’t respond to your or any familiar voice or even respond when called out by their name, it is a major sign of autism. Try calling them regularly to see if they get your attention.

Is your child using hand gestures like waving goodbye to communicate? If not, then it could be a sign of autism. Generally, babies use their hands to communicate with their parents.

Children with autism have trouble playing and enjoying themselves like other babies. Try to notice if your toddler is playing with others or finding anything of interest.

If your baby doesn’t follow an object or even look at it when you point it out, it could be because of autism. Show them a toy or anything and keep it at a distance and see if they can follow that object visually.

Repetitive movements such as rocking their body or flapping their hands are also one of the most crucial signs of autism. Keep an eye on your toddler’s movements carefully.

Signs of Autism in Older Children

If your child is not a toddler anymore, you still might suspect that they are suffering from autism. Check out some of the main signs of autism in older children below:

When an older child finds it difficult to understand what others are thinking or feeling at a given moment, then it could be autism.

If your child gets very angry when you tell them or ask them about something, then it might not just be natural anger.

Is your child making friends at school or in the neighbourhood? Children with autism prefer to be alone almost all the time and don’t make friends that easily.

A kid with autism will have delayed speech and problems with communication skills too. Check if your kid speaks hesitantly every time.

They might have a surprisingly keen interest in a particular subject at school or an activity like drawing or anything else. They could be finding it hard to cope with other subjects, but not with the one they are interested in.

A child suffering from autism doesn’t seem to listen or care when someone else is speaking to them. They could just ignore them and carry on with their things.

The benefits of opting for an autism assessment

Now that you know quite a lot about the early signs of autism in children, we will shed some light on the benefits of getting an autism assessment for your child. Assessments such as Asperger’s assessment are very helpful when it comes to medical support. Learn why autism assessment isn’t any different.

Getting an autism assessment helps you and your family know for sure that your child has autism. Through the assessment, you can learn more about their needs and how you can help them through the disorder.

An autism assessment will let you know what type of medical support your child needs. The sooner you get the assessment done; the sooner you can get them the professional help they require.

Recovering from autism is a hard and long journey. With this assessment, you take the first step towards your child’s better and healthier future. 


If you are worried that your child has autism, check the early signs we listed above to know better. And for those who are looking for professional assistance for an autism assessment, you can visit Toronto Psychological Services. They provide autism assessment, help for anxiety disorders, and more. 


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